This is an exploration of what a value system that I follow would look like

  • Fairness and equality, with an understanding that these concepts exist in a continuum, where past injustices affect present inequalities

  • Tolerance and empathy of all but the intolerant. A predictable and known paradox

  • Mistakes are a part of life for which both the intent and the impact matters. Forgiveness is a privilege that can be earned, but is never owed

  • We live in an ever-evolving world built by those before us, which we evolve and will inherit to those after us. Educating ourselves about the past to make the best decisions for the present and future, is thus an obligation

  • Minimizing our consumption, is the best prevention for the hard problem of managing our waste

Possible additions:

  • Reason

ChatGPT recommended I add respect: “Respect is an important value because it allows us to treat others with dignity and consideration, and to value their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This value can help us to build more positive and healthy relationships with others, and to create a more harmonious and inclusive society. Additionally, respect can help us to be more open-minded and empathetic, which can in turn help us to make better decisions and to be more understanding of others.”