Iā€™m obviously very, very far from even knowing the basics here, but these are my notes for building my understanding

  • Not a single unified concept
  • No single prophet or holy book
  • Intensely diverse and inclusive of its variations
  • Questioning authority and itself, in search of eternal truth
  • Nonviolence, especially to higher forms of life such as animals, leads to high numbers of vegetarians and vegans

The word ā€œreligionā€, which implies a systematic church and a specific dogma, doesnā€™t exactly capture the essence of Hinduism. Its supporters prefer the word ā€œDharmaā€, which translates more to ā€œway of lifeā€.

Key concepts

Many forms of Hinduism embrace the following concepts


  • Following the universal order (rta), of both the physical and spiritual realm
  • duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and ā€œright way of livingā€


  • Providing for yourself and your family
  • Includes politics, diplomacy, anything that enables financial security basically
  • I wonder if this includes professions traditionally seen as unethical, e.g prostitution? Or does that violate the dharma?


  • The search for worldly pleasures, in all their forms
  • Unlike Catholics, itā€™s accepted to have fun, even recommended


  • Freedom from sorrow, suffering and the samsara (birth-rebirth cycle)
  • They made the buddhism reference kinda on the nose there
  • Changes a fair amount across different schools of Hinduism


Okay, god is a complex thing here. Remember that there are like, a gazillion variations each with their own ideas. Some generally common themes are:

  • There is a supreme god
  • The god has many manifestations
  • Itā€™s okay if there are more gods, no fighting

Supreme god

  • Pick your fave: Shiva, Durga, Lakshmi, Vishnu are all treated as the supreme god

Personal god

  • This is a pretty cool concept
  • iį¹£į¹­a devatā, or chosen ideal
  • Basically a manifestation of the supreme god that you choose to worship as your personal one
  • May be influenced by locality, culture, caste